
Copernicus Science Centre

20 Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie st.,
00-390 Warszawa

Number in Cultural Institution Registry: 2/06
NIP: 701-002-51-69
REGON: 140603313

Information and booking for organised groups

+48 22 1 22 55 55
Monday–Friday   8.00–16.00

Frequently Asked Questions

For media

Katarzyna Nowicka, Spokesperson of the Copernicus Science Centre
+48 604 194 689


How do I get there?

Użyj strzałek do przechodzenia między zakładkami
Zobacz dojście do Planetarium


You can reach Copernicus Science Centre with:
M2 metro line - "Centrum Nauki Kopernik" station

and the following bus lines:
106, 118, 127 - "Biblioteka Uniwersytecka" bus stop
185 - "Metro Centrum Nauki Kopernik" bus stop (in tunnel)
162 - "Metro Centrum Nauki Kopernik"

You can reach the Centre directly from the Central Railway Station using bus line 127.

A single standard fare ticket costs 4,40 zł, 2,20 zł for reduced fare ticket.


You can park your car in front of the Copernicus Science Zone, in the paid parking zone, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, you can park there free of charge.

Nor in the municipal parking zone around the Copernicus Science Centre, neither in the Copernicus car park there are no coaches parking places. Buses can stay along Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie street, in front of the Copernicus Science Centre, up to 15 minutes, exclusively while delivering or collecting groups. We kindly ask all groups travelling by coach to respect this rule, since blocking the parking lot makes it difficult for other groups to reach the Copernicus Science Centre safely. For longer stays, please use the city’s car parks designed specifically for them.

See their full list here