A space for free exploration. Observe. Experiment. Construct. Arouse your curiosity!
All exhibitions included in one ticket!
Robots at Exhibitions
They have different faces. Thanks to artificial intelligence, they can talk about anything and handle difficult questions. The family of robots at Copernicus is constantly growing, offering unforgettable experiences for visitors of all ages.
Człowiek wpatrujący się w ścianę pełną obrazków w ramkach.
The Future Is Today
How to create an exhibition on something that is yet to happen? Or – is only just starting?
The Experimental Zone
The Experimental Zone is the main exhibition in Copernicus which occupies a huge open space. It is dedicated to nature with its phenomena, and to humans and our perception of the physical world.
up to 5 y.o.
Jak wygląda świat oczami węża? Co kryje się we wnętrzu kalejdoskopu? Jak pachnie lis? Trzeba dotykać, wąchać, sprawdzać, burzyć i układać.
Due to renovation, the Bzzz! Exhibition and the Robotic Theater will be closed from August 1st, the Planetarium from August 19th, and all Exhibitions from September 1st.
Letnia Szkoła Prototypowania
at the Exhibitions
Discover interesting phenomena, solve scientific puzzles, conduct experiments, learn more, and feel like a scientist under the watchful eye of our explainers. Our Workshops are short classes conducted in various parts of the Copernicus Science Centre.
Laboratories for individual visitors
from 9 y.o.
We invite individual visitors to our laboratories - on weekends, holidays, and during vacations and breaks. We recommend it from the age of 9 onwards. Children who are 13 years old or older may enter without adult supervision.
> 8 y.o.
In our Thinkatorium, you can build a flying machine, construct a catapult, or create any other incredible structure. Think outside the box, create freely – no instructions, no time pressure.
High Voltage Theatre
from 6 y.o.
Once you open the heavy, metal door of On The Move gallery, you’ll see Poland’s most electrifying theatre!
Robotic Theatre
The Robotic Acting School practitioners feel great in every repertoire. They display a passion for fairy tales, a bravado in interpreting the stories of Lem, an enthusiasm for mathematical tales.

Zajęcia dla grup

Od września do czerwca zapraszamy grupy na dodatkowe zajęcia. Klasy 7 i starsze w laboratoriach, w kilkuosobowych zespołach, pod okiem naszych specjalistów wykonacie samodzielnie ciekawe, a niekiedy także niesamowite doświadczenia. Młodszych uczniów z klas 1–3 zapraszamy do Majsterni na 45-minutowe zajęcia, w czasie których dzieci rozbudzą swoją kreatywność i przekonają się, jak wiele zależy od ich pomysłowości.