
Troje ludzi w letnich strojach wpatrzonych w nocne niebo, na którym widać spadające gwiazdy.
The Night of Shooting Stars
Look up! Perseids are coming! Earth will be surrounded by a cloud of matter particles, left over by the Swift-Tuttle comet. And thus, a grand, astronomical show will take place – the shower of Perseids, meteors, which are commonly called shooting stars.
WE Play With YOU
What is water whispering about? How many tons hide inside a pot? Can a sound wave tickle? You will find out at our new musical exhibition!
Biały napis "Make it open" na niebieskim tle
Make it Open
Projekt Make it Open ma na celu wypracowanie narzędzi i metod, które pozwolą na włączenie do procesu edukacji szkolnej zadań istotnych dla lokalnych społeczności (open schooling).
Czarne tło a na nim fioletowy abstrakcyjny kształt przypominający falę
Discoverer's Day with Samsung
On the first Sunday of September, we would like to invite everyone for a free Visit! We will prepare special attractions, on top of our Exhibitions.
grafika przedstawia białko wirusa
Coronavirus in the crosshairs
Due to the struggles against the epidemic, and the on going vaccination process, together with the Polish Academy of Science we would like to invite you to our programme of weekly meetings with scientists.
Portret astronauty, zdjęcie w niebieskim filtrze
Moon mission on Earth
How would we behave on another planet or the moon as a society? How can we explore medicine in the harsh climate of the Moon? What kind of new technologies can we explore and test in analagous habitats?
Człowiek w kosmicznym tunelu - eksponacie na wystawie Regeneracja
Who are you and what are your relationships with other people? What happens inside your head, when you’re scared, in love, sad, or telling lies?
Lay out – Let out 2020
Due to the pandemic, this year's Lay out – Let out 2020 conference was moved to the virtual world, and instead of two days, it lasted from the beginning of July to the end of August.
Forum KMO
YEC (Young Explorer’s Club) Forum
This year's Forum takes place during a pandemic. A reality that vividly illustrated how changeable and uncertain the world can be.
Wystawa czasowa Rowery
Bicycles on our patio
Have you ever ridden a penny-farthing? Do you think it's easy to keep your balance while on a 3-persons tandem? Hop on and enjoy! We prepared some surprising bicycles for you to ride on our patio.